International Committee
of the Red Cross
Explainer Video
Our team at Sine De Oro Productions was approached by the ICRC to create three videos that will help train Red Cross volunteers working on the field.
I was in charge of storyboarding, illustrating, and animating two of the videos: Information and Feedback.
We started by building the storyboard based on the script provided for us by the producer.
You can see some storyboarded scenes below ↓

Information Frame 1
VO: Everyday, we take in different kinds of information, from news headlines to what’s going on in the lives of our family and friends.
Action: ICRC staff stands in front of different sources of information as aid as a conflict/crash hits a community.

Information Frame 3
VO: Find out the accessible, preferred, and trusted communication channels. Keep in mind that different groups will have different communication and information needs.
Action: Elements circle around, Comms Icon drops down to next frame for visual fluidity.

Feedback Frame 1
VO: When communities are involved in shaping aid response, it becomes easier to manage and address feedback when projects are already up and running.
Action: Establishing shot of the community. Speech bubbles pop up one by one as the camera pans right.
We went on to create the style frames, then animate the scenes and put them together.
Style Frames ↓

Animated Scenes ↓