Smart PLDT Infoboard

User Interface Design


I was brought to the Digital Department at Optima Digital to work closely with UX Designer Hope Joanne Abdelrahman to create the UI Design for the Smart PLDT Infoboard.

The Smart PLDT Infoboard would serve as a way for store visitors to browse products, acquire product information, and be added to a queuing system for purchases all on their own.


From the UX Designer’s wireframes it was my job to add the visual designs to the user interface to make them enticing and easy to use. We had to make sure that each element of the interface was easy to distinguish, it’s purpose clear to the user while also being visually appealing.

The Wireframe ↓

UI Design ↓

Using the wireframes as a reference, I created three looks for the team at PLDT Smart to choose from, ranging from playful styles to something more understated. Each design would feature animated backgrounds of slight shifts of colour, giving off a calm, satisfying aura from the kiosk screen that would entice store goers to approach the infoboard.


Design 1

Design 2

Design 3